Art Direction

The Welcome Home Festival in Kerrville, Texas, is an annual event that celebrates community, music, and culture in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. Kerrville, known for its scenic beauty and vibrant arts scene, hosts this festival as a way to welcome visitors and locals to create a warm community that shares an interest of storytelling through folk music. 

Our mission at Welcome Home Fest is to unite established traditions in folk music, attracting new listeners while also advancing the genre. We aim to cultivate a sense of belonging for all attendees, ensuring they feel at home and welcomed with open arms. Through our festival, we seek to celebrate the rich heritage of folk music while embracing innovation and inclusivity. Welcome Home Fest is where traditions thrive, new voices emerge, and everyone finds their place in the vibrant community of folk music lovers.

We want Welcome Home Fest’s campaign to appeal the loyal Kerrville attendees while also attracting the next generation of folk music enthusiasts. We want to enhance the brand by altering its current elements and infusing it with fresh characteristics that brings forward a newer look on Welcome Home Fest.

Project Credits

Miranda Allman: Research/Logo/Poster Design/Merchandise

Gabriel Victoriano: Research/Poster Design

Jared Munoz: Research/Merchandise

Nick Voss: Research/Website

Shaping The Future

Of Folk Music.

Existing Trademark

Proposed Primary Trademark

Proposed Secondary Trademark

"Welcome Home" was deemed flawless in its original form. For the loyal festival folks, the team opted for a combination of Sweet Sans regular and ED Piedmont Regular typeface, carefully selected for its resemblance to the existing mark. a breath of fresh air by introducing a guitar pick embellished with sun rays, symbolizing the festival's essence of music and outdoor revelry.